Ron’s War

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Welcome to Ron’s War.

The book, Ron’s War, is a personal chronicle of my experiences as a Flight Engineer on a Lancaster bomber during Wold War II.

Why, at 80, did I write this book?

My fellow flight engineers are rarely mentioned, except occasionally in passing, in historical war books. Our role was barely mentioned in the film of the Dam Busters.

This book is dedicated to all my fellow Flight Engineers, the unsung heroes of Bomber Command.

To Alf, the pilot, Charlie the navigator, Bob the bomb aimer, Pete the rear gunner, Norman the upper gunner, and Mack the wireless operator, in my view the best crew of the best Squadron in Bomber Command. Without your team-work and cooperation we would not have survived the war.

Published by RW Press, LLC.

Newport, RI, USA.

The Lancaster HAU, “Uncle.” This picture was taken after the war was over. Ron and his crewmates are sitting on the fuselage. The stripes on the tail indicate that Uncle was the flight leader.